Fran’s Story

Learn how I helped Fran with personal training

The whole transformational process has provided me with some fantastic tools to be able to support myself to maintain this lifestyle change for my future.

Before starting this programme, my mind was pre-occupied with thoughts about “when is my next workout” and “what food should I eat”.

My mind had an unwanted resident, a harsh personal trainer screaming at me to stop being lazy!

To make matters worse, I had a lower back injury and this was impacting my mood and whether or not I would choose to exercise at all.

I was starting to gain weight and felt out of control and stressed!

 In November 2011, I decided that I needed a change and quit my job in Australia to travel this wonderful world. I needed an adventure! I travelled to India, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco and ended my trip in the United Kingdom where I was planning to stay for a few months or find work if something came my way.

During this time I had put on more weight – as you do when eating lots of food – and my back was increasingly painful from the hard beds in India.

This was all adding to my stress…

 When I got to the UK, I initially joined a gym in the hope of controlling my weight gain – a long standing behaviour pattern that I had. 

What I soon realised was that I was not getting ANY results and the scales just kept climbing!!!

My approach was not working and had not been working for years!

I then decided to research ‘week’ long boot camps… Maybe I wasn’t training hard enough?

From working in the field of behaviour change, I knew there were no quick fixes and I realised that this would not be the significant lifestyle change that I wanted.

I needed support for more than a week! I needed a sustainable exercise routine that I enjoyed and did not need to be training and caning my body for up to 8 hours a day!

I had been in the habit of overtraining in the past and that also hadn’t worked either! I also needed emotional support and nutritional guidance.  

 It was critical to my success that I followed the lifestyle that Andy provided.

Andy would set me challenges to help me realise that I was in control of the choices I make and that I am capable of making BRILLIANT choices that will help me to achieve my goal of fat loss!

The support I received from Andy was outstanding.

During the 6 weeks I worked with Andy 1-1, I lost 5 kilos of body fat!

After this period, I made my decision to go back to Australia. Andy mentioned that there was no reason why I couldn’t continue with the programme under his guidance remotely.

I had 2 more weeks in the UK and this gave Andy and I the time to set up a plan so that I could continue the programme without Andy physically being there.

I had a final assessment 3 days before I flew out and had dropped another 2 kilos and losing a total of almost 10cm off my waist! 

I’m now back in Australia and have completely transformed my lifestyle; I’ve lost 8 kilos of body fat and am well on the way to achieving my goal.

 I have been supported by Andy every step of the way.

The whole transformational process has provided me with some fantastic tools to be able to support myself to maintain this lifestyle change for my future.

 This programme was the change I have been looking for and has transformed my relationship with food and exercise and my inner personal trainer is much happier.

Thank you for your amazing support and encouragement!